We were so lucky to be awarded £10,000 from Amazon to run a Summer of Fun giving children opportunities they wouldn’t normally have due to the current cost of living crisis. Over the holidays we had 37 sessions ranging from role play to a beach trip. We commissioned Little City and WiggleWaggle to run sessions and took our SEND families to Thames Valley Adventure Playground and our new Reach families to Hounslow Urban Farm. 30 children and their parents came on a coach to spend the day on the beach at Littlehampton, which for a few of our families was the first time they’d visited the beach together, see quote below from one of the parents
One parent said
Thank you so much, for us it was new experience this is the first time my kids went to the beach! I always wanted to take them a beach trip. You give us this opportunity and it means to us so much I don’t know how to thank you but thank you a lots. Kids loved, first think they said to me in the morning was : mammy we loved going to the beach and playing with the sand and making sandcastle!!